Gerontology/Nursing Links

Links with ** are good links for preparation for the Canadian Nurses’ Association Gerontology Exam.

Indiana University Center for Aging Research – Protocols and caregiver handouts from a research study to manage behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Care Transitions – Dissemination site for a successful research trial to improve the process of transitioning an older adult from hospital to the next site of care. Includes manuals and research evidence.

Clinical Microsystems – Information and downloadable handbooks on designing better care systems in primary and specialty care.

** Consult GeriRN – Website from the Hartford Geriatric Nurse Initiative. Includes videos, stat consultations on patient problems, links to guidelines and a comprehensive list of resources.

** Vancouver Coastal Health – Excellent presentation of the patient/family experience of dementia. Also contains information on dementia for professionals.

Epocrates drug database - Contains information on 3300 medications.

Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders (GRACE) – Information about a program to improve care for the elderly in primary

Guided Care – Links to a research project to improve primary care for complex older adults by placing gerontological nurses in physician offices.

** Hartford Geriatric Nursing Initiative – Excellent source of information for nurses. Home of the “Try This!” series and the Nurses Improving Care for Health System Elders (NICHE) project.

Health Evidence Canada – Catalog of evidence based systematic reviews and meta-analyses, including a category on seniors health.

Helpful articles, infographics, and webinars dedicated to helping nurses and future nurses with their career needs from Maryville University Online Program:

Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) – Good resources for professionals and caregivers focusing on delirium prevention. Developed by Dr. Sharon Inouye.

Impact Depression Care - Evidence-based program for improving care for depression in the elderly.

Improving Chronic Care – Resource on system design. Includes bibliographies, online manual and downloadable

Institute for Healthcare Improvement  – US-based international organization to improve healthcare in all settings. Many documents and improvement stories plus presentations from conferences are available here.

Iowa Geriatric Education Center - Info-Connect pamphlets provide succinct, practical information for long-term care providers on key clinical topics

J. W. Crane Memorial Library – Info-connect includes practical information for nurses. You can also subscribe
to an update by sending an email. Excellent email compiling best of the week on the web.

Montreal Cognitive Assessment – Information, instructions and downloadable form for the MoCA, a tool to
detect mild cognitive impairment.
Lippincott Nursing Center: Professional Development for Nurses

International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) – The long awaited and long anticipated 10 fracture risk assessment tool/calculator is finally available from the IOF/WHO. See website

Pain Action – Website with information on pain medications.

RN Association of Ontario Best Practice Guidelines - Extensive list of guidelines organized by topic.

** UBC Care for Elders – An Interactive website with a module on assessing and treating delirium in older adults.

University of Iowa College of Nursing – Location of best practice guidelines for nurses who provide care for older persons