
  • To maintain urinary continence in the acutely ill patient in hospital.
  • To promote the restoration of urinary continence.
  • To promote the attainment of a patient-centered achievable level of continence for the chronically incontinent patient.


Seven percent of community dwelling adults in Canada experienced urinary incontinence during the previous year.  (Angus Reid Group 1997) Women are twice as likely to experience UI  than men (12% versus 2.5%). Up to 35% of community-dwelling people  over the age of 60 and 50% of institutionalized residents experience UI. (AHCPR UI Guidelines 1996)
In addition to being inconvenient and  embarrassing, urinary incontinence (UI) can be the precursor to serious  health problems.  Some of these problems include UTI, renal failure, depression, and falls.

The cost to manage UI is estimated to be about 2.6 billion per year in Canada.  (M. Shaw 1998)

A hospitalized patient whose mobility and functional status has been altered due to their current acute illness is at a high risk for developing urinary incontinence.  If assessed and treated promptly, UI can be effectively reversed or appropriately managed.  (BC Medical Journal 1996)


Continence CPG
Appendix A – Voiding Record
Appendix B – Care Assessment and Treatment Plan
Appendix C – Pelvic Muscle Exercises for Women and Health Promotion Checklist
Appendix D – Pelvic Muscle Exercises for Men and Health Promotion Checklist
Incontinence Drugs