Chris Szeto (physiotherapist – presents on Geriatrics & Mobility in Emergency

) and Heather Burnett and Karen Gilbert (both occupational therapists – presenting on Occupational Therapy

) discuss mobility and function as indicators for safe discharge in older adults.


  • To be able to know when to refer to OT/PT.
  • To be able to know the unique functional mobility needs of the elderly patients.
  • To be able to know if it is safe to mobilize a patient.
  • To be able to know how mobilization can enhance the condition of the patient.
  • To identify key issues http://propeciafinasteridestore.com related to functional abilities for ADLs and IADLs that may prevent d/c home or require home follow up referral.

Content Overview

  • Roles of OT/PT on ER
  • Red flags/functional alerts
  • Special limitations of the elderly
  • Quick test prior to mobilize a patient
  • Facilitate:
    1. maximize functional mobility
    2. decrease falls
    3. decrease length of stay
    4. decrease frequency of re-admission


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