Gerontology Education and Certification

Certification – Gerontology

Normal Aging & Age-Related Changes

Pretest – Myths of Aging – T or F questions and answers

Aging, Disuse or Disease summary handout

Normal Changes of Aging – 1 page summary

Age-Related Changes  – 1 page summary

Normal Age-Related Changes – system, physiological change, expected S & S, Nursing implications

Gathering “pearls” of knowledge for Assessing  – Nursing 2010 article

Typical versus Atypical presentation of illness in Older Adult – 1 page summary

Successful & Healthy Aging – presentation

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – 1 page handout

Selkirk College (Castlegar) – read more about Certificate in Gerontology 

Canadian Nurses Association – information on CNA Certification Program

UBC Care of Elders

Care for Elders: An Interprofessional Modular Curriculum Summary of modules (Word document)